A Very Heart Touching Testimonial given by Mrs. ANITA BHATT on the miraculous results of antenatal education !!
Garbh Sanskar Testimonial by ANITA BHATT from MUMBAI
First of all I would like to congratulate Dr. Anand Dingra
for starting unique antenatal classes on
Garb Sanskar, a program of educating fetus
in womb of all desired good qualities, ethics and moral values which actually is
the dire need of time. Also I consider myself extremely blessed and fortunate
to have received this guidance at the right time.
Beginning of new relation: I would always like to remember the
day when it just happened that while browsing for online Garb Sanskar courses,
I opened Divya Garb Sanskar website and called up Anand ji for details. I was
absolutely thrilled and excited by simply hearing contents that he would cover during
pregnancy tenure. My happiness has no limits because I wanted to do all that
for my baby that course covered and hence I got connected with it. The relation
that started on the auspicious day with a simple phone call finally
materialized into brother – sister during 2013 Navratra in Shanti Kunj… what
else could I ask for!!!

I as a person had always believed in Garbh Sanskar i.e. educating fetus in womb but my idea of Garbh Sanskar was confined to listening music, healthy life style, healthy food, reading spiritual books, thinking positive etc. which I think all would be mothers have such things in mind. But what Anand ji offers is beyond our normal course of thinking. Also it is not only baby who is benefitting but mother also tends to evolve spiritually and become more refined person and that is exactly what has happened to me. My mother and husband always tell me I am completely different person after baby birth and I think this transformation started during pregnancy which taught me to remain in positive state of mind irrespective of any circumstances.

I as a person had always believed in Garbh Sanskar i.e. educating fetus in womb but my idea of Garbh Sanskar was confined to listening music, healthy life style, healthy food, reading spiritual books, thinking positive etc. which I think all would be mothers have such things in mind. But what Anand ji offers is beyond our normal course of thinking. Also it is not only baby who is benefitting but mother also tends to evolve spiritually and become more refined person and that is exactly what has happened to me. My mother and husband always tell me I am completely different person after baby birth and I think this transformation started during pregnancy which taught me to remain in positive state of mind irrespective of any circumstances.
Pregnancy Tenure: My pregnancy tenure I would like to describe as one of the “smoothest” ever witnessed by my mother’s (my mom and mother in law along with other family members, relatives and friends). During the entire tenure of pregnancy I have not taken any single medicine except nutritional supplements. I have not faced any single problems like mood swings, acidity, back pain, stretch marks, constipation, swelling, lack of appetite etc in any of trimesters. And during pregnancy also I was feeling as light as feather that too even one day before delivery. I had c-sec because baby’s crown had not fully descended into pelvic girdle and water bag had already broken so my gynecologist opted for c-sec… eve after c-sec I was back to normal in two days and went out to buy groceries after one week of delivery… such was an amazing recovery. “My gynac also said this kind of recovery is 1 in 10 cases”. I attribute all this to able guidance given by Anand ji in each and every phase of my pregnancy. Memories of my first pregnancy experience is something I would like to carry in mind my always.

Welcoming Baby: I was very keen that my baby should come to this beautiful world under very auspicious nakshatra (which I had decided in advance) and exactly that happened… baby was born under same auspicious nakshatra pre-decided by us. Baby came on very special day he took my date and my husband month and was born on 22nd Nov 2013. Within 20 minutes of birth when my doc came to show me my baby for the first time… his eyes were wide open and when I said “hello my Baby” he turned his head and looked straight in my eyes as if we were knowing each other and met after long time. That was amazing and priceless moment of life which I will never ever forget in my lifetime…I could not believe myself baby of just 20 mins old responded so well hearing my voice and this all happened in OT. I sincerely attribute this to Garb Samvad along with combination of other techniques which I practiced intensely all the time in pregnancy under able guidance of Anand ji.

My baby started recognizing my touch after one month only…
which was again surprise to me but was enjoying all the surprises in the form
of payoffs for all the hard work put in at the right time. On completion of two months baby started
responding very well to family members and friends with proper facial
expressions and producing sounds. Also he could differentiate between expressions
like love and anger and used to respond accordingly.
Towards the end of third month baby has already achieved 90%
of height a child should achieve on completion of one year.
Most important quality that I have tried to inculcate in him is being happy and that’s what he is… “cheerful at the time”.. he wakes up with big smile on his face, keeps on smiling whole day to everyone, chirping like bird. I have never seen him crying unnecessary unless I mess up with his feed timings. As I said I have kept very happy state of mind throughout pregnancy and the same is reflected in baby’s behavior now.
My baby starting calling me “Mum” and called “Mamma” also (though
only once) with the onset of fourth month. He is so attached to me especially that
he cannot stay for more than half an hour without me… immediately starts
calling “Mum” “Mum”… its simply amazing.

I have got these results only due to extensive knowledge of
Anand ji which he shares though online Garbh Sanskar course. Everything right
from diet, dhyan, sun gazing, mantra chanting,
performing yagja, working on 7 chakras and 24 subtle points, asans,
mudras, left and right brain coordination, garb samvad everything has worked in
my case.
I followed all the instructions and guidance of Anand ji during
pregnancy tenure and have got awesome results till now. My baby is five months old now. We both are
thankful to Anand ji for all guidance and much needed help was available all
the time. It was life changing experience for me and the beginning of
transformation. I express my gratitude to Shri Parmar ji for performing all the
sanskars while baby was in womb and for their spiritual guidance.
Once again thank so much Anand ji for all the guidance and I
pray your program should reach to each and every part of world. You are doing a
great job for entire mankind, working at grass root level.
Anita Bhatt, Mumbai
Website : http://www.divyagarbhsanskar.com/
Know how to give birth to a Genius, well cultured, virtuous, majestic, healthy & beautiful child; please go to following Youtube videos :-
Website : http://www.divyagarbhsanskar.com/
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