Healthy and Nutrient Benefits of Spices

Health & Nutrition benefits of Spices:

Spices are having phyto nutrients, needed oils, anti oxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall body growth.    

1) Health & nutrition benefits of Tamarind:

It is having many compounds, minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins. 
It is a good source of dietary fiber which increase bowel movements & thereby helps to overcome constipation condition. It helps to bind the toxins present in the food thus protecting the colon mucus membrane from chemicals that may cause cancer. Fibers also helps in reduction of bad cholesterol levels.
It is good source of Tartaric acid which make it acts as an anti oxidant & thus helps in protecting body from the free radicals.
It provides volatile phyto chemicals which with compounds generate medicinal capabilities.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc and iron. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate and blood pressure and some is good for red blood cell generation.
It is good source of vitamins like folic acid, thiamin, vitamin A/C, riboflavin etc. These vitamins works as an antioxidant & also works for body's enzyme metabolism.
It employs as a remedy for bile disorders, as a laxative, digestive with many traditional medicines.
It should be stored inside the refrigerator where it will stay fresh for several months.
It has sweet and sour taste & is a common ingredient in vegetable recipes.

2) Health & nutrition benefits of Saffron:

These have a flavor & a golden yellow color which comes from chemical compounds present in it like safranal, crocin etc.
These chemical compounds possess anti oxidant, disease preventing & health promoting characteristics. It has volatile oils like safranal etc.
It also contains other carotenoids which are essential antioxidants that help protect the human body from stress, cancers, infections and improves inner immunity.
It also have medicinal capabilities & can work as diaphoretic, antiseptic, antidepressant, antioxidant, digestive etc.
It is good source of minerals like manganese, copper,  calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and zinc. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate and blood pressure and some is good for red blood cell generation. It is good source of folic acid, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin C.

3) Health & nutrition benefits of Mustard seeds:

It is good source of phyto nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti oxidants.
There are three varieties available; White mustard seeds (largest in size, mild pungent), Black mustard (sharp and strong pungent), Brown mustard. As major oil seeds, it is very high in calories. It is made of proteins, oils, vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals. It is an good source of B complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, vitamin B6 etc. which help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system and improving metabolism. It is having Niacin which helps lowering blood cholesterol.
It consist of flavonoid, carotenoid antioxidants & also having little vitamin anti oxidants like vitamin A/C/K/ lipid soluble antioxidant Vitamin E.
Vitamin E is needed to maintain the skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen free radicals & cell membrane of mucus membranes. It is good source of minerals like copper, Calcium, manganese, zinc, selenium & iron. Here Calcium helps in building bones & teeth. Copper & iron are required in the generation of red blood cells. Its oil is help in relieving in muscle pain, arthritic pain & rheumatism. If applied over scalp then may support in hair growth. It works as a laxative.

For storage purpose, dry mustard keep well for months at room temperature when stored in cool, dry and humid free conditions. Ground seeds should be kept in refrigerated air seal containers for a long shelf life.

4) Health & nutrition benefits of Carom seeds:

It is good source of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. By taste it is full of flavor & pungent odour. It consist of needed oils like thymol, a chemical compound which gives aromatic fragrances to the seeds & provide it characteristics like anti fungal, anti bacterial and local anesthetic. It also consist of phyto chemicals. It may help in improving the digestive function of the intestinal tract by facilitating release of gastro intestinal secretions.
From ancient times, it is being used as carminative in treating flatulence and indigestion. It is also used in asthma & cough remedies.
In order to keep fragrance and flavor intact, the seeds are generally ground just before preparing dishes and added to the cooking recipes at final stages. This is done so because, prolonged cooking may result in evaporation of its essential oils.
It should be stored in refrigerated  area inside an airtight container and place in cool dark place away from sunlight, and humidity.
Note: It should be avoided by people with liver diseases, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis conditions. One should consult health care professional.

5) Health & nutrition benefits of Chili peppers:

It is having medicinal and health benefiting characteristics. They are having alkaloid compounds.
It is having plant derived chemical compounds having health benefit characteristics. It contains an alkaloid compound namely capsaicin which provides spicy pungent odour. Capsaicin has anti bacterial, anti carcinogenic, analgesic and anti diabetic characteristics. It helps in reducing LDL cholesterol levels.
It is good source of vitamin C which is water soluble anti oxidant. It is responsible for collagen synthesis inside the body. Collagen protein maintains the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Vitamin C helps in protecting from scurvy,improves immunity, and removes pro inflammatory free radicals from the body. It is having other anti oxidants like vitamin A, flavonoids like ß-carotene. Anti oxident also help in protecting the body from free radicals generated during stress, diseases conditions.
It is having minerals like manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate and blood pressure and some is good for red blood cell generation.
It is good source of B complex group of vitamins like vitamin B-6, B-1.
Always prefer raw, fresh chilies. Avoid those with spots or those spoiled tips and inflicted by molds.
Dry chilies can be stored at room temperature in a cool, dark place, inside airtight containers for many months. Powdered chili pepper should be stored in refrigerated place inside an airtight container.
It is having characteristics like astringent, counter irritant and analgesic so it can be used in the preparation of ointments, rubs and tinctures.
As constituent it has been employs in the treatment of arthritic pain, post herpetic neuropathic pain, sore muscles etc.
It is also having anti bacterial, anti carcinogenic, analgesic and anti diabetic characteristics. It helps in reduction of LDL cholesterol levels.
Note: Due to its pungent character, when eaten causes severe irritation and hot sensation to mouth, tongue and throat. Avoid touching eyes with chili contaminated fingers. Rinse eyes thoroughly in cold water to reduce irritation. One should consult health care professional.

6) Health & nutrition benefits of Cardamom:

It contains chemical compounds that possesses characteristics like anti oxidant, disease preventing and health promoting.
It contains volatile oils like cardamom which works as antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic and stimulant.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate, blood pressure, some is good for red blood cell generation & cellular metabolism, free radical extractor.
It is good source of vitamins like vitamin C, riboflavin that is essential for good health.
It is applicable in traditional medicines as antiseptic and local anesthetic, antioxidant in addition to health promoting.

7) Health & nutrition benefits of Black pepper:

Due to the presence of health benefiting volatile oils like piperine, it has strong spicy pungent flavor.
It consists of plant derived chemical compounds which is having characteristics such as disease prevention & health promotion. It is having anti inflammatory & anti flatulent characteristics.
It is having many monoterpenes hydrocarbons which provides it the aromatic characteristics.
It improves the digestion process by raising gastro intestinal enzyme secretions. The oil present in it can enhance the absorption of selenium, B complex vitamins, beta carotene & other nutrients from the food.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate, blood pressure, some is good for red blood cell generation & cellular metabolism, free radical extractor.
It is good source of essential B complex groups of vitamins like riboflavin, thiamin etc.
It is a good source of anti oxidant vitamins like vitamin C/A. It is having flavonoid polyphenolic anti oxidants like carotenes. These anti oxidants helps the body in extracting free radicals, protects body from cancers and diseases.
It is usually stored at room temperature. It can be refrigerated upto a month of time in airtight containers.
It is also helpful in treating flatulence and indigestion. It can be employs as an antiseptic for gum swellings & tooth related problems.
Recipes employing black pepper should not consume by person having problem like stomach ulcers or ulcerative colitis. It should be taken in consultation with healthcare professional.

8) Health & nutrition benefits of Bay leaf:

Its leaves provides pleasent and sweet aroma to the recepies. Its dried leaves are can be stored for longer period of time.
It consists of healthwise necessary plants derived compounds, minerals and vitamins.
It has volatile active components like α/β pinene which works as anti septic, anti oxidant & digestive characteristics.
It is good source of vitamin C which works as anti oxidant that helps in extracting free radicals from the body. It further helps in imrooving immunity, faster wound healing etc.
Its leaves and herb portion are good source of Folates which plays an important role in DNA synthesis & pri conception period. It can help in preventing neural tube defects in the new born.
It is a good source of vitamin A which is an anti oxidant and is good for eye sight vision. anti oxidant characteristics of it is also required for healthy mucus membranes and skin.
It is having B complex groups of vitamins like niacin, riboflavin which help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system function & maintaining the body metabolism.  It is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese. Some of these provides cell & body fluids which helps in controlling heart pulse rate, blood pressure, some is good for red blood cell generation & cellular metabolism, free radical extractor.
It has diuretic and appetite stimulant characteristics.
Its been reputed to soothe the stomach and relieve from the colic pain. It possess lauric acid that has insect repellent characteristics. It employs to soothe the stomach ulcers and relieve from flatulence.
In oil form it can be used in the treatment of arthritis, muscle pain, bronchitis, flu symptoms etc.
It should be dried gradually by avoiding exposure to direct sunlight just to retain inbuilt volatile oils.
It should be stored in airtight jar and keep away from direct light. Its leaves shall loose flavor if stored for more than a year.
Its dried fruits are also being used as a flavoring in dishes.
Note: Excess eating should be avoided by the Pregnant women as the chemical compounds in its leaves may cause abortion.

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