Healthy & Nutrient Benefits of Nuts

Healthy & Nutrient Benefits of Nuts:

Nuts are rich source of energy and contains vital antioxidants, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Their regular consumption helps in lowering bad cholesterol and increases HDL or good cholesterol levels in the blood. They also help in lowering blood pressure, preventing coronary artery disease and strokes by maintaining healthy blood lipid profile, protection against breast, colon and prostate cancers. 
They are good source of phyto chemical substances necessary for anti-oxidant activities. They are having popyphenolic antioxidants which help in removing the disease causing free radicals from the body. They are good source of minerals like manganese, copper, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, and calcium. These minerals are cofactors for many vital enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion, and nucleic acid synthesis. Oil of some of nuts helps to keep skin moist. It also employs as a base oil in massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
They are good source of lipid soluble antioxidant vitamin E which helps in maintaining the cell membrane integrity of skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. They are having B-complex groups of vitamins like B-6 and folates. 

Nutrient benefits of Almonds:

It contains dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and phyto-chemicals which are essential for optimum health & fitness.
Good source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids which help controls cholesterol level in the body. The acids also help in prevention of coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile. It is good source of vitamin E which is a powerful liqid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining cell membrane integrity of mucus membranes and skin by protecting from harmful oxygen-free radicals. Almonds are free in gluten & thus is a healthy alternatives of wheat food.
It is having B-complex groups of vitamins like vitamin B-6 and folates. A good source of minerals such as manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Almond oil can be employed as an emollient which helps in keeping skin moist. The oil is also used as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. It provides much of recommended levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein. Besides, almond oil extracted from the nuts has been used in cooking, and in medicine. benefits of Cashew nut:

Its having high calory content. It is rich in soluble dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and phyto-chemicals. 
It is having essential fatty acids that controls harmful LDL-cholesterol simultaneously increase good HDL cholesterol. Fatty acids further helps to prevent coronary artery disease. It is having flavonoid antioxidant which absorbs into the retinal macula lutea in the eyes. This in turn can provide antioxidant and protective UV ray filtering functions. This helps prevent age-related macular degeneration in the elderly.It is good source of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc. These minerals may help prevent deficiency diseases. It is having essential vitamins such as vitamin B-1, B-5, B-6. These vitamins balances at cellular level the metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Nutrient benefits of Walnuts:

These are rich source of energy and contains vital antioxidants, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Its regular consumption helps in lowering bad cholesterol and increases HDL or good cholesterol levels in the blood. It also help in lowering blood pressure, preventing coronary artery disease and strokes by maintaining healthy blood lipid profile, protection against breast, colon and prostate cancers. 
It is good source of phyto chemical substances necessary for anti-oxidant activities. It is having popyphenolic antioxidants which help in removing the disease causing free radicals from the body. It is good source of minerals like manganese, copper, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, and calcium. These minerals are cofactors for many vital enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion, and nucleic acid synthesis. Walnut oil helps to keep skin moist. It also employs as a base oil in massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
It is good source of lipid soluble antioxidant vitamin E which helps in maintaining the cell membrane integrity of skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. It is having B-complex groups of vitamins like B-6 and folates.

Nutrient benefits of Pistachios:

It is good source of protein, fats and minerals. It is good source of fatty acids and antioxidants. It helps to lower bad LDL and raises good HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. It maintains healthy blood lipid profile which helps to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes. It is good source of phyto-chemical substance like carotenes, vitamin E which are necessary for antioxidant activity.These helps in removal of oxygen-free radicals from the body & provides protection against diseases & skin cancers.It is good source of lipid soluble antioxidant vitamin E which helps in maintaining the cell membrane integrity of skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. Pistachio oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils & it also helps to keep skin moist. It also employs as a base oil in massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. It is having B-complex groups of vitamins like B-6 and folates. It is good source of minerals like manganese, copper, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc, and calcium. These minerals are required in neuro-transmission, metabolism & in RBC synthesis. 

Nutrient benefits of Peanuts:

It is good source of essential nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. It is good source of fatty acids and antioxidants. It helps to lower bad LDL and raises good HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids which helps in preventing coronary artery disease and strokes by maintaining suitable blood lipid profile.
It is a good source of dietary protein & amino acids that are essential for body growth & development.It is having poly-phenolic antioxidants which reduces the risk of stomach cancer, heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, Alzheimer disease, and fungal infections. It is good source of vitamin E which is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant to maintain the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen free radicals. It is source of minerals like potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. It is having B-complex groups of vitamins like B-6, and folates which contribute to brain health and blood flow to brain. 

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