Garbh Sanskar : Essential Nutrients - Women Fertility

 Garbh Sanskar : Key Nutrients that helps women to conceive:

Dairy and sea foods seemed to be prominent fertility foods. They offer key nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K2, iodine, and omega-3 fats that help in women’s fertility. To maximize chances of conceiving it is necessary to maintain optimum health of would be parents. This can be achieved by overcoming nutritional deficiencies and improving sperm production and quality. Choosing the right nutrients and in the right quantities is far important. Supplements are necessary because even the best diet may not contain all the needed nutrients to give you the best chance of conceiving. It is very possible to improve the quality of the egg and the sperm in approximately 4 months time.

a) Vitamin A (Fat Soluble Vitamin) promotes better cervical fluid and helps ensure follicles develop correctly.
b) Vitamin D (Fat Soluble Vitamin) supports the production of estrogen in both men and women, is needed for insulin production, and is the key in regulating cell growth and deciding how those cells grow.
c) Vitamin E (Fat soluble vitamin & antioxidant) helps in proper absorption of fat soluble vitamins A&D. It normalizes the sperm & hormone production. 
d) Vitamin K2 in combination with Vitamins A&D, helps the body to utilize proteins.

e) Iodine (a non metallic trace element  or Mineral) in combination with vitamin A, improves thyroid functioning. Helps in sex hormone production.
f) Omega-3 fats help in regulating hormones promotes ovulation, and increases blood flow to the reproductive organs and increases cervical fluid like vitamin A also do.
g) Other necessary Nutrients like Vitamin B, Vitamin C & Zinc.

Elaboration regarding Vitamins: Vitamin A:
It promotes better cervical fluid and helps ensure follicles develop correctly. Vitamin A can be found in animal products (retinols) and in plant foods (beta carotene) as well. The bodycan easily convert retinols to a usable form of vitamin A than its conversion from beta carotene source. Infants, children & people with poor health or on low fat diets have hard time converting beta carotene (plant foods).

Sources include:  Butter and Cream, High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil, Regular Cod Liver Oil, Eggs from pastured chickens contain 2/3 more Vitamin A than conventional eggs and 7 times more beta carotene. 

b) Vitamin D:
Animals that are allowed to be out in the pasture are recommended, as the exposure to UV-B rays from the sun allow the animal’s body to produce more vitamin D.
Sources include: Cod Liver Oil, Pastured Eggs,Fish, Butter, Sunlight.

c) Vitamin E:
Being an antioxidant basically means that it deactivates free radicals within our bodies. It has been shown to increase fertility when given to both men and women. It helps in regulating the production of cervical mucus. Vitamin E helps to normalize hormone production by rejuvenating the endocrine system. It is also essential in cellular respiration and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It has been known as the 'sex vitamin" that carries oxygen to the sex organs. 

Sources include: Butter, Grains like wheat kernel (white flour), Watercress, Wheat germ, Seeds like sunflowers, Nuts like  almonds,  Legumes, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Unrefined (and unheated) oils like olive and sunflower oil, Pastured eggs also contain 3 times more vitamin E than conventional eggs. 

d) Vitamin K2:
It is a fat soluble compound that assists vitamins A & D. 
Sources include: Egg Yolks, Butter, High vitamin butter oil {natural supplement}, Fish Eggs

e) Iodine:
It helps in making thyroid hormones in our body. Our bodies cannot make it on their own, so you must consume iodine in your diet. Iodine deficiency may affect our thyroid, adrenals, and entire endocrine system. Iodine deficiency may cause Infant mortality and thus it is been related to higher rates of miscarriages and still births. Iodine should be a vital part of a fertility diet. The diet is applicable in the prenatal as well as for the nursing period. 
Sources include: Soil & Sea Foods. Fruits and Vegetables grown by the sea, including coconut products, Blackstrap molasses, Butter, Dried Kelp, Spinach, Milk and dairy products (at least 20% of iodine is lost during pasteurization so raw is best),  Eggs, iodized salt.

f) Omega 3 fatty acids:
Fats help in increasing a woman’s fertility by regulating hormones and ovulation. It stimulate the production of sex hormones. They also increase the quantity of fertile cervical mucus and the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Women who are suffering from infertility generally have lower levels of omega 3 fats. They are necessary for healthy hormone functioning. They also control inflammation which may interfere with getting and staying pregnant.
Alongside the Men who do not have enough omega 3′s in their system may have problems with sperm production as they lacks necessary DHA (present within fats) who protect the sperm from free radicals and damage. For men essential fatty acid supplementation is crucial because the semen is rich in prostaglandins which are produced from these fats.
There are 3 different types of omega 3 fats; alpha-linolenic acid (ALA- plant based), eicosapentaenioc acid (EPA – animal based), and docosahexaenioc acid (DHA – animal based). 
Sources include:
The essential fatty acids are found in black currant seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, flax seed oil seeds, nuts, pulses, beans and unrefined vegetable oils.
Plant based ALA can be found in Walnuts, Flaxseed & Hemp.
Animal based EPA and DHA can be found in Egg yolks, oily coldwater fish like salmon, herring, tuna, cod, and trout. 

g) Other necessary Nutrients:-

Vitamin B:
It is a water soluble vitamin that can help to regulate menstrual cycles and help in maintaining the quality of both egg and sperm. Vitamin B6 is especially helpful in lengthening the luteal phase of the cycle & also helps in balancing progesterone levels. It is required for a healthy nervous system and help maintain muscle tone in the intestinal tract.

Sources include: Lentils, Beans, Avocados, Kefir, and Potatoes etc.

Vitamin C:
An effective antioxidant that protects the DNA of both egg and sperm. Improves sperm quality, protecting sperm and the DNA within it from damage. Helps in neutralizing toxins within the body. It also aids in production of sperm and semen, improves the quality of semen by keeping it less sticky and thus allowing the sperm to move freely.
Sources include: Red peppers, Orange, Broccoli, Kiwi, Papaya, strawberries etc.

It is an essential component of genetic material which is necessary for the body to utilize efficiently the reproductive hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Thus zinc is vital for the health of reproductive organs. A deficiency of zinc may cause poor fertility and greater chance of miscarriage. This may occur due to chromosomal changes in either partner lacking zinc. Zinc present in the woman’s body utilizes reproductive hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Zinc present in the man’s body can greatly impact the sperm count. Zinc is responsible to make the outer layer and the tail of the sperm.
Source include: Whole grains, Whole fat dairy products, Seeds like sunflower and pumpkin seeds, Molasses and Maple Syrup.

Folic Acid:
It is part of the very important B-complex family of vitamins that are necessary to produce the genetic system DNA and RNA, of the egg & the sperm as well. Folic acid in combination with vitamin B12 works well to ensure that the baby’s genetic codes remain intact.

It is an antioxidant that helps to protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and set off a process called oxidation which can have harmful effects on the every cell in the body. Thus selenium can prevent chromosome breakage, which otherwise cause birth defects and miscarriages. Selenium helps to maximise sperm production. Blood selenium levels have been found to be lower in men with low sperm counts. It works synergistic-ally with vitamin E, and preserves natural elasticity of tissue.

It is a powerful antioxidant which helps to protect egg and sperm DNA from damage by harmful free radicals.
Source Include: Multivitamin and Mineral.

Royal Jelly:

It helps in optimizing hormone balance in both sexes i.e. Male & Female. Many believe it enhances sexual performance.

Note: Vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and exposure to chemical toxins negatively affect the sperm and egg production which further could be the cause of miscarriage.  If consume over a short period, then it shall be viable to take supplemental digestive enzymes that ensures full utilization of all nutrients. Simultaneously it is equally important to consult a physician or health-care provider before taking any kind of supplemental vitamins.

Know how to give birth to a Genius, well cultured, virtuous, majestic, healthy & beautiful child; please go to following Youtube videos :- 


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