Healthy & Nutrient Benefits of Herbs

Nutritional benefits of Herbs:

Herbs are applicable in purifying the mind, body & soul due to their abilities in terms of providing healing power, health remedies & diet intake constituents. It is now realized their potential health benefits and detoxification abilities. 

They possess anti-oxidants, oils, vitamins, phyto-sterols and other nutrient substances that helps in to maintain body's immunity system.

Oils present in herbs works as remedy for inflammatory health issues like osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis & lucrative colitis. Certain compounds present in herbs can control blood sugar levels in diabetics. They can control total cholesterol, blood pressure & thus helps in overcoming stroke risk & coronary artery disease. They can help in preventing Alzheimer’s disease due to their anti-amyloid and anti-inflammatory properties. They works as diaphoretic, analgesic, deodorant, digestive, antiseptic, lipolytic (fat and weight loss action), stimulant and stomachic actions. The oils, vitamins, and antioxidants present in herbs helps body's immune system to resist against pancreatic, prostate, colon, endometrial cancer cells.
Herbs adds flavor/taste to the food & also protect it from microbial agents. 

1) Nutrition health benefits of Turmeric:

It is applicable as anti-inflammatory or painkiller, carminative, anti-flatulent and anti-microbial.
It is having a poly-phenolic compound namely Curcumin which may have anti tumor, anti oxidant, anti arthritic & anti-inflammatory properties. It is good source of anti-oxidants & dietary fiber which helps to control blood bad cholesterol levels. It is an excellent source of vitamins like B6. Its root is good source of "water soluble" vitamin-C which is a natural anti-oxidant as well that helps to maintain body's immunity against infections & extracts free oxygen radicals. It is having minerals like manganese, copper, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. These minerals constitutes the cell and body fluids which helps in controlling heart rate, blood pressure, for production of red blood cell. Turmeric powder helps in resisting anemia, neuritis, memory disorders and also protects from cancers, infections etc. It contains a poly-phenolic compound which may inhibit the multiplication of tumor cells. Thus prevent from pancreatic cancer and colon cancer.
It is liver protective, anti-depressant, anti-retroviral effects. Applications of Turmeric : 

Its paste can be used to raise the shelf life of a product because it is a natural food preservative.
In powder form it can mix well with vegetable preparations and other spicy powders and herbs to enhance their flavor and fragrance.
It can be use as a food colorant, natural food preservative, and flavor base.

Way to use in cooking - To preserve its oils evaporation, fragrance and flavor, it should be added at the last moment in cooking recipes.

2) Nutrition health benefits of Cilantro (leaf-coriander):

It is very low in calories with almost no cholesterol. It contains sufficient antioxidants, oils, vitamins, and dietary fiber. These constituents helps in reduction of bad cholesterol levels & simultaneously raises good cholesterol levels. Its leaves and seeds contain volatile oils. The leaves and stem tips are good source of  anti-oxidant polyphenolic flavonoids.
It is a good source of minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. These helps in controllin heart rate, blood pressure & production of red blood cell etc.
It is good source of vitamins like folic-acid, riboflavin, vitamin K, vitamin-A (fat soluble vitamin and anti-oxidant), beta carotene, natural antioxidant vitamin-C.These vitaminshelps in bone mass building. They limits neuronal damage in the brain & thus helps in curing Alzheimer's disease. 
They maintain healthy mucus membranes, skin and good vision. Also protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Other Applications of Cilantro (leaf-coriander): 

- It is applied in savory dishes. It is having disease preventing and health-promoting properties. Its leaves as well as seeds can be used in cuisune.
- Its parts leaves, root, and stem are equipped with anti-septic and carminative properties. 
- It may found helpful in many traditional medicines as analgesic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, deodorant, digestive & fungicidal.

3) Nutrition health benefits of Garlic:

Garlic is well known for its medicinal properties & also for culinary uses. It contains health promoting phyto-nutrient substances.

It contain phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It contains organic thio-sulfinite compounds which upon crushing convert into allicin through enzymatic reaction. Allicin reduces cholesterol production, decreases blood vessel stiffness, reduces total blood pressure, decrease the overall risk from coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular diseases, stroke.
It also decrease chance of occurance of stomach cancer.
Its having volatile compounds that possess antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium.  These are heart healthy mineral & also good for red blood cell formation.
It contains flavonoid anti oxidants and vitamins like vitamin-C that helps to boost resistance power against infections & pro inflammatory free radicals.

Other Applications of Garlic :

It is usually applied as a remedy for cold, cough, bronchitis in ancient treatments.
In oil form it has been used as a fungal dermatitis on skin infections.
It is prescibed for its anti microbial, anticancer, anti diabetic, and immune boosting and cholesterol lowering properties.


It contain allicin that acts as blood thinner, so must be avoid in combination with anticoagulants as might cause excessive bleeding.
Its preparations should be refigerate and should be consumed as soon as possible.

4) Nutrition health benefits of Peppermint:

Due to presence of menthol oil, it has an unique aroma and medicinal characterstics like refreshing cool sensation on taste buds, palate and throat when intake through mouth and on nasal glands when inhaled.

It is an anti-oxidant having ability for disease prevention and health promotion. It contains almost no cholesterol & is having oils, vitamins and dietary fiber, necessary to control cholesterol level and blood pressure.
It is having compounds which has its own effect on skin's cold sensitive receptors, mouth and throat when inhaled or eaten or applied on skin.
The menthol oil has been work as an analgesic, local anesthetic and to counter irritant.
It is having compounds that relaxes intestinal wall and sphincter smooth muscles through blocking calcium channels at cell receptor levels. This property is being utilized in the treatment of "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS) and other colic pain disorders.
It is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium & manganese.These helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. It is having antioxidant vitamins like vitamin A/C/E/k/B-6.
For remedial cure related with cough cold such as syrups and nasal inhalers. Its oil preparation has analgesic, local anesthetic and counter irritant properties. Applicable in oral hygiene products and bad breath remedies such as mouthwash, toothpaste, mouth and tongue spray, chewing gum, candy etc.

Application of use:

Always prefer fresh mint which is free from pesticide residues and has not been irradiated.
They must be refrigerated & should be stored in a tightly sealed glass container.

5) Nutrition health benefits of basil herb:

It is having health benefiting phytonutrients. Known for medicinal qualities of its leaves and seeds. Its varieties includes sweet basil (has light green leaves), Asian basil (has large, hairy stems and stalks with pink flowers, purple or red leaves in addition to possessing stronger ‘clove’ like flavor),  lemon basil (has lemon flavor), Thai basil (has light green color leaves with a sweet licorice like aroma).

Health benefits of Basil herb:

Its having chemical compounds known for disease prevention & health promotion characteristics. It contains polyphenolic flavonoids compounds having anti oxidant protection against radiation induced lipid per oxidation in mouse liver.
It contains health beneficiary oils having compounds known for their anti inflammatory & anti bacterial characteristics.
It is low in calories with almost no cholesterol. It is good source of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
It is having good source of beta carotene & vitamin A which gives protection against oxygen derived free radicals that play vital role in aging, skin related disease & vision. It is having Vitamin K which serves an important role in the bone strengthening function.
It is having good composition of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. These are vital component of cell and body fluids that helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Its leaves are an good source of iron which determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. In tea form, it helps to relieve nausea & is thought to have mild anti septic functions. It is having essential oil that works as an anti infective functions & a remedy for symptomatic relief in inflammatory health problems like rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis & inflammatory bowel conditions.

Application of Use:

Always try & prefer fresh organic basil instead of the dried form. Its leaves should be deep green in color and also free from dark spots or yellowing. Dry basil leaves and seeds may contain less vitamin C and carotene levels. Its leaves should be kept properly humidified & refrigerated in a tightly sealed glass container.

6) Nutrition health benefits of Celery:

It is a herbs having strong aromatic flavor. Known for its flavorful leaves, shoots, roots, and seeds.

Health benefits of Celery:

It is a low calorie herb which is having non soluble fiber. This may help reduce body weight and cholesterol levels. It is a good source of flavonoid antioxidants which provides protection from cancer  and improves the body immunity. It is good source of vitamin A which is a natural flavonoid antioxidants that helps in maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin, eye vision etc. It is a good source of vitamins, including folic acid, vitamin-C which & also limits the neuronal damage to the brain (Alzheimer disease).
It is a good source of minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and manganese. These helps in regulating cell and body fluids which further helps in  maintaining heart rate and blood pressure.
Its contains volatile oils that has been used as remedy for nervous temperament, osteo arthritis and gouty arthritis symptoms. Its seeds & roots have diuretic, galactogogue & stimulant properties.
It has phyto-nutrients like flavonoids, folate, vitamin A/K, minerals and vitamins.

Application of Use:

Always try & prefer fresh organic celery. Its leaves should be fresh and stem should be in bright green color and crispy in appearance. They should be kept properly humidified & refrigerated in a tightly sealed glass container.

7) Nutrition health benefits of Rosemary: 

This herb is having phyto nutrients, anti oxidants, and essential health beneficiary acids.
It has an odor that is pungently aromatic and  camphor like. In a tea form, it proves as a natural remedy for nervous headache, colds, and depression. Its extraction when applied over the scalp; stimulates the hair bulbs and help in preventing premature baldness. Helps in prevention of scurf and dandruff. In oil form, Its being used as a rubefacient to get relief from painful ailments in gout, rheumatism and neuralgic cases. It contains volatile oil such as camphene, cineol, borneol etc which are having properties like tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, and stimulant.

Health benefits of Rosemary herb:

Its leaves contain plant derived phyto chemical compounds having disease prevention and health promotion characteristics.
These compounds are having counter irritant, anti inflammatory, anti allergic, anti fungal and anti septic characteristics
Its leaves are having fewer calories with almost no cholesterol. It possess non nutrient components like dietary fiber. It is good source of B complex groups vitamins like folic acid, riboflavin etc. It contains high levels of folates which plays vital role in DNA synthesis & when given during the pre-conception period can help prevent "neural tube defects" in the newborn baby. It contains vitamin A which is good for vision, for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and also for skin.
It is good source of antioxidant vitamin like vitamin C which is good for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular intake of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body to protect from scurvy, develop immunity against infectious agents and help scavenge harmful, pro inflammatory free radicals from the body. It is rich source of minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and copper. These are constituents of cell and body fluids which helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. It is good source of iron which being a component of hemoglobin inside the RBCs & thus determines the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Application of use:

Always try & prefer fresh organic Rosemary. Its leaves should be fresh and stem should be in bright green color and crispy in appearance. They should be kept properly humidified & refrigerated in a tightly sealed glass container.
To keep the herb's fragrance and flavor intact, it is generally added to cooking recipe at finishing moments. This is just to prevent evaporation of herb's oils due to prolonged cooking.
When consume in large quantity, it might cause abortion in pregnant woman. Its oil may cause allergic skin reactions. If taken in high doses, it may cause kidney dysfunction.

8) Nutrition health benefits of Spearmint:

It is pleasantly aromatic herb packed with numerous health benefiting vitamins, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients. It imparts aroma to the recipes like drinks, salads  and as a garnish.

Health benefits of spearmint

Its leaves and other parts contains menthol oil although in small proportion & taste least pungent as compared to the peppermint. It is having low calories and having almost no cholesterol. It is having chemical compounds like α/β pinene, carvone etc. which helps in relieving fatigue and stress level.
It is good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. These  are needed for enzymes in cellular metabolism and also synthesis of hemoglobin. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.It is good source of antioxidant vitamins A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folates, vitamin B6, riboflavin and thiamin.

Application of use:

It is applicable in digestive problems as it relaxes the stomach muscles.
It is having an excellent remedy for minor ailments such as headaches, fatigue, stress, for the respiratory problems such as asthma & bronchitis.
The essential menthol oil has analgesic, local anaesthetic and counter irritant characteristics.
When applied externally on the skin, it may help in relieving the itching of pruritis & dermatitis.
It can be used as massage oil and in the aromatic therapy to help relieve from headaches, stress & fatigue, and nervous conditions and to relieve itching. In tea form, it can be used in pregnancy period. In women, it helps reduce unwanted hairs through its anti androgenic characteristics.
Always try & prefer fresh organic spearmint. Its leaves should be fresh and stem should be in bright green color and crispy in appearance. They should be kept properly humidified & refrigerated in a tightly sealed glass container.
It may cause skin rashes and irritations in rare case.

9) Nutrition health benefits of Dandelion:

Its all parts such as leaves, flower tops, and roots are applicable either for medicinal or culinary purpose.

Dandelion herb health benefits:

Its having antioxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting characteristics.
It is having low calories and having almost no cholesterol. It is a good source of dietary fiber. Latex found in it acts as good laxative. It help to reduce weight and also to control blood cholesterol levels.
It contains crystalline compounds available for various therapeutic properties of the herb.
It contains vitamin A which is fat soluble vitamin and anti oxidant. Vitamin A is needed for maintaining healthy mucus membranes, vision and skin.
Its leaves contains health benefiting flavonoids which helps body to give protection from lung and oral cavity cancers.
It is good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. These  are needed for enzymes in cellular metabolism and also synthesis of hemoglobin. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
It is good source of vitamins such as folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin E/C that are essential for optimum health. It is good source of vitamin K which helps in bone mass building by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It limits the neuronal damage in the brain & thus helps in resisting against Alzheimer disease.

Application of Use:

Its leaves are superior in flavor and rich in many vitamins & anti oxidants like folates, ß-carotene, vitamin C etc. It is having laxative and diuretic characteristics & is remedy for liver and gall bladder issues. It is a good tonic & appetite stimulant.

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