Causes of Miscarriages & Testing

Causes of Miscarriages & Their Testing:

Facing a miscarriage is one of the most painful emotional trauma that happen with a woman and her partner. For medical profession, miscarriages may be a routine or extremely common that lacking personal sympathy with the suffering couple.

Definition of a Miscarriage: 

A miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion, occurs when a baby (foetus) is lost spontaneously before the 24th week of pregnancy. Baby's death after this period is called a stillbirth.
Sometimes woman may feel normal and will not notice anything abnormal before a scan test confirms about baby's death. This type of miscarriage where the baby has not been expelled from the womb even after death is called as missed abortion.
In some cases, a fertilized egg developed poorly or in other words a undeveloped foetus which would show as a pregnancy in a scan test, but actually there would be no embryo. This is called as a ‘blighted ovum’.

Symptoms of a miscarriage:

In case of a miscarriage, a pregnant woman may experience:
- bleeding from the vagina, often containing clots
- blood in the vaginal mucus
- abdominal pain and/or cramping
- back pain

As per studies there is possibilities to decrease chances of loss and preventing miscarriage & simultaneously creating a well cultured, virtuous, majestic, vigorous, healthy, beautiful and extremely intelligent child.

Probable causes of miscarriages:

1) Genetic Cause
It is due to genetic defects in either the egg or the sperm, particularly when the couple are over 35 years. At higher ages, the eggs and sperm may not be as healthy as before. It is very possible to make healthier the reproductive system & boost health of sperm and egg by means of natural fertility lifestyle. It can be done by providing supplements and natural therapy treatments.

2) High Homo-cysteine level
Homo-cysteine is a sulfar containing amino acid naturally found in the body. When those levels goes high, probability of blood clot occurrence raises. This can further raises risk for a heart attack, stroke but it can also harm fetus. Study suggests that Homo-cysteine levels higher than ten increased a pregnant woman’s chance of a miscarriage.

3) Immunological Disorders
The body sometimes may attack the fetus or sperm; caused by natural killer cells. This is called an immune system based miscarriage. The  treatment options for this is medications organ transplant & employing some natural therapies.

4) Blood Clotting
Naturally thick blood & its tendency to develop clot in uterus can be the cause of a miscarriage. A little clot can disconnect the placenta which restrict the oxygen & nutrition supply to the fetus. In the event of 6 month old pregnancy, a premature birth may occur due to post generated clot. This abortion is a sudden cause with no pre cautious warning signs by the body. Some tests are available to determine the case. Natural therapies can be helpful in this case.

5) Hormonal Imbalance
The hormonal system is an intricate orchestra of hormones that follows a specific schedule. An imbalance hormone can affect the rest of the hormone cycle, can cause an early pregnancy. Hormone imbalances may be like:

a) Low progesterone
Progesterone preserves the uterine lining so the new embryo can attach and be nourished while the placenta is being formed. If progesterone is low the lining will shed, causing menstruation to begin.
b) High estrogen level can cause low progesterone.
c) High level of prolactin promotes milk flow for the new mother but it may also repress ovulation.
d) Insulin resistance (PCOS)
The women who are resist insulin are five times more likely to have a miscarriage. Imbalanced insulin levels due to PCOS make it difficult for the embryo to attach properly with the uterus.

6) Thyroid disorders
Thyroid disease ignorance can be a cause for infertility, miscarriage and second/third trimester loss. Thyroid testing must be done on pregnant women to determine for hypothyroidism's ill affect that may cause miscarriage.

7) Lu-teal Phase Defect
The lu-teal phase is the time period after ovulation in which the embryo is making its way through the Fallopian tubes and establishing itself into the uterine lining. A miscarriage could occur if Lu-teal Phase is too short for the embryo to implant and attach properly.

8) Anatomical Cause
In this case the natural therapies would have the least effect on treatment part. Sudden change in the body causes the pregnancy to discontinue. This may be in the form of a misshaped uterus or scarring within the uterus, a weakened cervix & large fibroids.

9) Random genetic problem cause
In this case, the body rejects the fetus development as a natural habit , since it would not be a viable, healthy person. There is nothing that can be done for this type of miscarriage as it is natures way of creating healthy human beings. Many women experience this type of miscarriage and go on to have a healthy, uneventful pregnancy.

Testing for Causes of Miscarriages:
There are many tests that can be done to help determine the cause for miscarriages. You may find the cause of the miscarriage and be able to go for the treatment and getting knowledge of how to take care of yourself during pregnancy. Do consult a reproductive endocrinologist who is up to date with latest research being done for miscarriages.

1) Prothrombin Time
This test is to check the tendency of blood clotting & its speed while occurrence.

2) Thyroid Panel
Probability of a miscarriage can be reduced by testing & treating the thyroid problems while pregnancy period. Women with hypothyroid problem can have four times the risk of 2nd trimester miscarriage.
In terms of Thyroid (TSH) numbers; the normal range is between .3 to 3.0, need thyroid hormone medication when the TSH is above 2.0.

3) Karyotyping
Problems related with genetic structure can be assessed by means of Genetic testing of would be parents.

4) Fetal Tissue Testing
This is a chromosomal test done on tissues that can be collected to rule out genetic issues. This is particularly helpful in case of a recent  miscarriage and also having a D&C.

5) Hystero Salpingo Gram (HSG)
To asses probable causes of infertility or miscarriages, a dye is being injected into the uterus and x-rays are taken to see the shape of the uterus, blockages of the tubes, growths and other abnormalities. It is a painful test, but outcome is trustworthy.

6) Autoimmune testing
Testing for Anti Phospholipid Syndrome (APS), an autoimmune imbalance which causes the body’s immune system to react to certain normal substances in the blood. This increases the chance of forming blood clots. It is estimated that 10% – 25% of women with recurrent miscarriages have APS. Doctors will generally treat this condition with low-dose baby aspirin and injects of heparin (blood thinner) during pregnancy.

7) Progesterone Hormone Testing
Progesterone hormone helps to maintain the lining of the uterus. Its levels need to be tested as low level has been linked to miscarriage. It is been tested around 21st day of a 28 day cycle. This can be done by a RE visit.


Related Links:

- Garbh Sanskar - Care during Pregnancy Period

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