Back pain during pregnancy / गर्भावस्था में कमर दर्द कैसे दूर करें / Bac...
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कोरोना वायरस का नोटों नोटों के द्वारा फ़ैल रहा इंफेक्शन कैसे रोके currenc...
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मित्रों वर्षा ऋतु में अक्सर हमारा स्वस्थ खराब हो जाता है, कभी कभी तो स्थिति इतनी विचित्र हो जाती है की घर परिवार के अधिकतर सदस्य बीमार हो जाते है। वर्षा ऋतु में अगर कुछ सावधानियां बरती जाये तो परिवार के सभी सदस्य विशेष रूप से बच्चे, बुजुर्ग व गर्भवती महिलायें बीमार होने से बच सकती है। वर्षा ऋतु में सावधानी व बीमारियों से बचाव के लिए निम्न वीडियो देखें। v=k6NvRk41uf8 To like, share & subscribe our youtube videos & channel, please go to following link:- Divya Garbh Sanskar Youtube Channel : - anandruchi100 Garbh Sanskar Hindi Video : - v=RxuRRqfOIuQ Garbh Sanskar English Video : - v=BJKfUOEDgKc Website :- http://www.divyagarbhsanskar. com
Infertility Treatment - Diet and Lifestyle !!
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Divya Garbh Sanskar

Infertility Treatment - Diet and Lifestyle: - Spices like ajwain powder (bishop’s weed), cumin, turmeric, and black cumin are good for enhancing fertility. Here cumin purifies the uterus in women and the genitourinary tract in men. While turmeric improve the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues. - Consumption of dairy proteins, like milk, panir (cheese made from milk) & lassi (buttermilk). - Eating soaked almonds or walnuts. - Drink juicy sweet fruits like peaches, plums, mangoes and pears are suitable. - People with good digestion can eat urad daal (Split Black Gram) cooked with equal composition of turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fennel. They also can eat banana cooked in ghee, cinnamon, and cardamom as dessert dish. - Food to avoid includes high fat foods and that containing preservatives. - Intake of Caffeine should be restricted in case woman is having trouble conceiving. - Limit the consumption of Refined carbs, like white bread, p...
Bowel Health !!
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Divya Garbh Sanskar

Bowel Health: Bowel functioning is directly related with the eating. A healthy bowel action means it should be effortless when one go to sit on the toilet. If you are having to push or strain to get the proper bowels movement, that means the bowels are not efficiently working as per capacity. One should empty the bowels effortlessly each day considering we are eating every day. As per the food taken, the bowl movement & performance may vary from person to person. What we can do to make effective bowels function. The bowels are getting rid of what the body does not want. In case bowels are not getting rid of unwanted items then the items stays within the body. If people are not emptying their bowels effectively they may get hard or nauseated. This may cause headaches, stomach cramps and pains. The bowels can work well if you take enough water and the food with fibre content. The best sources of fibre are fruits and vegetables, whole grains. For proper bowe...