Health Benefits of Honey

Health Benefits of Honey: Honey is generated naturally by alchemy of bees which collects nectar, pollen from flowers. It provides soothing sore throats. It is having effective antibacterial, antiviral & anti fungal characteristics. It heals injuries (wounds/burns) & repair the internal damages. It can be consumed as a substitute for sugar or artificial sweeteners. It has Skin & Hair benefits. It is having nutrients, antioxidants, healing compounds, phytonutrient antioxidants and enzymes. Characteristics: - It regulates blood sugar level. - It can work as skin moisturizer to fight aging & bacteria. Due to its antibacterial and anti fungal characteristics, it resists bacteria that may lead to skin layer breakouts. Its anti-inflammatory properties will calm skin redness and irritation. - It transfer moisture from the air into the skin and also helps in further retaining the moisture content in the skin layers. Due to this ability of honey, needed moisture...