The key to happiness

The key to happiness lies in the Thought Process: There are number of factors that may be the cause of unhappiness for most of the people. Among these, two major factors are fear & self doubt. The concept here is, what is looking unrealistic to a person might be judged as real by the brain. Unfortunately the people unknowingly allows their predetermined phobias which prevents them from achieving their goals & dreams. Happiness is not just to live life in a state of compassion & gratitude but also to implement that in daily routine as well. By empathizing with individuals around & helping them in their tough time; we actually enable ourselves to establish self pride. Doing something nice for somebody will always gives us a great feeling inside. Know how to give birth to a Genius, well cultured, virtuous, majestic, healthy & beautiful child; please go to following Youtube videos :- - Garbh Sanskar Video in Hindi Language ...